Yolanda's Health Update
We had an appointment with the surgeon the Monday after the weekend of the horrible pain in mid-November. She prescribed some stronger pain meds to use. Even with the meds, the pain did not leave until after 2 weeks. It did become less severe, but it didn’t fully leave. We wanted a January surgery, so that we could get through our VBS (or HBF - Holiday Bible Fun) before Yolanda would need some time to recover. However, with her pain ongoing, she couldn’t imagine waiting until January, so we asked the surgeon if this could be done ASAP.
Yolanda went in to have a pre-surgery CT scan, just to make sure there aren’t any irregularities, i.e. tumors, etc. Upon completing this test, the doctor indicated that all was well, but mentioned the gallstones she saw. Gallstones? This was news to us! But yes, Yolanda also has multiple large gallstones. Her gallbladder is not inflamed, however, so this is unlikely to have contributed at all to her pain and may have been there for years with possible other symptoms that we have overlooked.
So, when having one surgery, why not make it a double? ;-)
Yolanda’s surgery date is staying put for January 10. This will be a double surgery, performed by 2 surgeons, one doing the full hysterectomy and the other removing her gallbladder. While each of these procedures are “routine,” in that these surgeons perform them regularly, they described this double surgery to us as a “major surgery,” due to the fact that it will take about 6 hours to complete and there will be quite strong pain afterward, during the recovery process for several weeks, at least. In addition, Yolanda’s body doesn’t heal well, as experienced back in 2017 when she had her last laparoscopic surgery that should have just been an overnight stay, but instead turned into a 5-day hospital stay. This poor healing could be due to her endometriosis which often acts as an auto-immune disease, although not categorized as one.
- We are thankful that Yolanda’s pains are not constant at the moment, though they are still more common than not and she basically deals with an on-going never-ending dull ache, which she has learned to just live with.
- We are thankful for having the top gynecological surgeon in the country and being able to be at a modern (relatively new) private hospital in Harare.
- We are thankful that Yolanda has not had a gallbladder attack even though the doctor was shocked with how large one of the stones were.
- We are thankful to see a faint light at the end of the tunnel for this pain and even possible relief from some other symptoms (chronic fatigue, lower back-pain, etc).
- We are thankful Yolanda has been able to keep up with our regular weekly women's groups in the meantime.
- Please pray for Yolanda, as January 10th cannot get here quickly enough.
- Please pray for peace, as there is anxiety when you hear the words “major surgery” and “painful recovery.”
- Please pray for patience as the recovery will be long and Yolanda is one who wants to get back to work as soon as possible (in our line of work there’s always something that needs doing, and often everything feels most important or essential).
- Please pray for peace, as there are normal emotions that accompany this type of surgery at any age (the gynecological surgeon has also stressed her mental well-being after this procedure as she will experience a flood of hormones, etc).
- Please pray that our health insurance will cover this. While we are hoping that it will, we are still waiting to hear from the insurance company regarding the situation and medical offices in Zimbabwe are slow in response which is not appreciated by our American insurance company.
There is much more we could say on this topic and what Yolanda has been experiencing, but ultimately we wish to just inform you as our friends and partners in ministry of a personal element that has affected ministry life for her/us. Yolanda is not one to complain so you’ll rarely hear this side of things from her/us, but we feel it vital to not only inform you, but also request prayers on our behalf as we navigate the upcoming weeks/months.
One Day Christmas Event
The day will focus on the Nativity story, which will include a Bible reading, Christmas carols, prayer, a fun craft, and a delicious Christmas lunch. The day will be shorter than HBF days and will not involve all the activities we usually do. It will, however, have a wonderful outreach and emphasis on Scripture and teaching opportunity for kids to learn how to share the Christmas story with others. We know without a doubt, no matter what, the children will have a wonderful day filled with learning and fun. The women are a little anxious taking the lead, but we also have full confidence in their abilities.
We already know that the day may not flow as seamlessly, that lunch may not be right on time, and that things may not be taught or explained as we would, BUT we also know this is an opportunity for us to step back and be flexible. It’s also an opportunity for the women to do things their way with more freedom, even though there is a schedule in place. They will need to think on their feet if lunch isn’t on time, how to occupy 130 children. We have complete faith in them and are excited for how this event will go and know it will be a huge success!
Please be in prayer for the children who will be attending and the women who will be leading it. We will send the kids home with a parent/guardian letter as normal, explaining everything the children learned, so that it can be an outreach for the adults too.
Below is a picture from today's women's group gathering. In the middle of the room, on the floor, you can see some candles. Yolanda has introduced them to the advent wreath, lighting a different candle each week. This was brand new to them, so they found it really interesting.
Cholera Outbreak/Lack of Water
Cholera is spread through contaminated food and water as well as infected human feces. One of the points of spread within the capital has been in high density areas where raw sewage flows and children play soccer with their makeshift balls made from grocery bags and rubber bands. These balls roll into sewage and then kids pick them up and keep playing and it spreads like wildfire.
Just in our group of Tuesday and Wednesday ladies, the women have dealt with extreme water shortages. They are guaranteed 2-3 days each week of no water whatsoever. We are talking about normal city water, which is unavailable due to poor maintenance of water treatment plants. In addition, water is only turned on and available from faucets during the middle of the night, during sleeping hours. The women must wake up regularly to see if the water has been switched on so they can fill all their available containers to last them for whatever period of time when no water exists. Of course there’s no schedule to follow in Chinhoyi and when the water is turned on and off is different from day to day. Some women leave their taps open with buckets underneath and wake up at the sound of flowing water (of course this is a risk).
Some of our ladies have not had water for 2 full weeks. They must walk uphill to neighbors to source water and transport it bucket by bucket. Another one of our ladies lives in an area that hasn’t had access to water for a month and she and her community walk down to the river to fetch water. This water is brown and certainly infested with all sorts. Of course, she boils the water for consumption but boiling doesn’t change the color or smell of it. (Normal city water is not clean to drink either. It is also discolored and needs to be boiled to drink. However, it’s not contaminated with cholera, like river water has been).
We offered to bring those who have had no water for an extended period of time some water from our borehole (well). They discussed as a group and decided it would not be wise for us as white people to constantly show up with something, especially something as precious as water. They felt this would negatively affect their position within their community. They do not want to seem favored, when so many others have to make the long hard walk to rivers and other water sources - they prefer to join them in that struggle. We admire them for their commitment to having a positive image within their communities in order to best be able to share the Gospel with others.
This cholera outbreak is another reason to shorten our children’s event. Another missionary, who runs a private school in town, said they had a girl who had diarrhea at school one day. The health department went to the school to investigate, because if they found that she had cholera, they were going to shut the school down for some time. They also had a week-long event scheduled for this month, but decided to change theirs to one day.
Little Western's Graduation
Of course, he earned a large chocolate bar as a reward from us - there was great excitement. We handed out lots of hugs and oohs and ahhs and congratulations. Next year (January) he will enter grade one and officially start junior (elementary) school. He’s excited to be a big boy. We are so proud of him and can hardly believe he’s the same little pudgy baby who sat in our clothes hamper while his mom did her duties. |
Mai Innocent Training
15 Passenger Van
Our hope is that this need will be fully funded before the end of 2023. Therefore, all additional gifts given this month above and beyond regular monthly giving will go towards this need. We are thankful to have raised $5,467 so far! What a blessing! We will need to raise $25,000 in total. Therefore, we still need to raise $19,533. We know this task and goal seems daunting and unreasonable in the last few weeks of the year, BUT we have complete faith that God will provide. We know that our Father, owns cattle on a thousand hills (Ps. 50:10) and we know how valuable cattle are here in Zimbabwe ;-) We know God often provides in the 11th hour so that all glory and honor can be given to Him because He alone is the great Provider for all our needs and every good thing.
Will you prayerfully consider how YOU can give towards this need? Will you contemplate the difference you can make in a very tangible way through your end of year, tax-deductible, generosity? We are grateful in advance for the abundance that we know God will bless JM2Z with, as He sees fit.