Thank you
for considering a first time donation or making another one. You are making a difference in the lives of women and children. It is through your generosity that they are able to be reached for the Lord. Your sacrificial gifts allow a woman to experience the depth and breadth of God's love, or teach a child of the truth of a heavenly Father. We appreciate your partnership in ministry.
Because Jesu Ministries 2 Zim is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, all gifts qualify as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.
Because Jesu Ministries 2 Zim is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, all gifts qualify as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.
Make a one-time donation or set up monthly donations by clicking on the "Donate" button below.
Or, gifts may be sent to:
Jesu Ministries 2 Zim
28666 Shoofly Cut Off
Bruneau, ID 83604
Please make checks payable to Jesu Ministries 2 Zim or JM2Z.
28666 Shoofly Cut Off
Bruneau, ID 83604
Please make checks payable to Jesu Ministries 2 Zim or JM2Z.
Gifts of prayer
Along with financial gifts, we are in need of gifts of prayer. We believe that prayer is powerful, and if you are one of our prayer warriors, we want to thank you. If you are new to the happenings of JM2Z, we ask that you would devote a few minutes of your prayer time to us. If you would like to know specific ways that you can be praying for us, you can e-mail Yolanda at and she will let you know about the most current items of praise and requests. Never underestimate the contribution of faithful prayer!