Meanwhile, with that background in mind, I will explain what information we have learned so far. We have been closely working with our Shona tutor and have enlisted her help and assistance with getting into rural communities in which we can minister. All of this has taken place over the last couple weeks. She was very excited and immediately starting calling on friends, fellow teachers in a rural school and those within churches that we may partner with in moving forward. Unfortunately, the unequivocal response she has received has been one question, “What color are they?” When she answers with, “Why does that matter?” they respond with, “You know why. We cannot put ourselves in danger, and we can’t guarantee her safety so ultimately no, she is not welcome.” This is an unfortunate occurrence and for obvious reasons is forcing us to revaluate how JM2Z will be doing ministry until this changes. Our vision all along was to be mobile and thus go to the people rather than expect the people to come to us, but clearly it looks like that is not a feasible option AT THIS POINT.
I have had a couple weeks of Shona tutoring again, and will continue to do so. Recently my Shona tutor will only speak to me in Shona and she has given me strict instructions to prepare my entire introduction in Shona for our next meeting with the ladies. Introductions must include everything from the basics of your name, where you live, where you were born and what you like, as well as are you married, to whom, what do you do, do you have children and if not, why? Oh my, lots of studying ahead for me, but thankfully I am already able to say all of that, if only I can remember everything I’m expected to tell them in an introduction :-)
I am excited about the opportunities and we are so grateful that even though one door is closed for the moment, another has opened. We continue to rest in God’s embrace as He encourages us to move forward and reminds us to be patient. We are saddened that racism, p0litics and other such facets are prohibiting us from reaching the people who need it most. We have so much to offer, most importantly Him and His story.
There are even more things we are learning, but that is for anther blog. We will let you chew on this for now. We ask that you be very careful in your comments, please make no p0litically based statements or mention any names (of people here in power). If you have any questions please e-mail us directly and word your questions carefully in e-mails too. In some areas we have needed to be vague on purpose, please be patient with us as we try our best to communicate everything to you of relevance.