Church Visits
- 10 Weeks
- 11 Churches
- 16 States
- 21 Homes/Hotels stayed in
- 9,265 Miles traveled
- Countless number of blessings
We experienced so many blessings along the way and we could never have enough space or time to make a list and share it with you. Everyone was extremely warm and friendly. Everyone was very generous with their time and resources. How blessed we have been that so many people want to hear about what the Lord is doing in Zimbabwe through JM2Z!
ICOM (International Conference on Missions) is coming at a perfect time. We will be attending the conference this Wednesday through Sunday in Cincinnati. It will be a wonderful time of refreshment and rejuvenation with thousands of other missionaries from around the world. We will have a busy schedule, but it will be a time for us to be fed. It's been four years since we've been able to be there in person, so we are excited! You may remember the past few years that we've live streamed the main speakers while in Zimbabwe, but it's not the same as actually being there.
Afterward, we will head back to Chicago to be with family for Thanksgiving, which will be another blessing.