A Blessing
The electrician came and tested the electrical side of the pump at the panel and everything checked out. Unfortunately, that meant that the pump was the most likely problem and I began to get quotes for a new one (several hundred dollars). We have only had it for 3.5 years, which isn't that long. After closing up the panel, he bent down and lifted the cement lid off the hole only to find that there was a wire connected to another wire, which had not been weatherproofed by the people who installed it. They merely twisted the wires together. We had some heavy rains the few days prior and water had gotten down in there and, as you can see in the picture below, and the wires got wet, burned, and caused the pump not to work. So the electrician made a new connection, properly protected it with a conduit, and the pump worked again! We were so thankful that we didn't have to buy a new pump, that we had stayed home for Christmas and were here when it happened, and that we had plenty of water stored to last us for the 3.5 days without the pump!
Wednesday Group
Success Stories
Brief Health Update
We are confident that we are dealing with excellent doctors and are very thankful for them. We appreciate your thoughts and prayers.
This Year
"I know who goes before me.
I know who stands behind.
The God of angel armies is always by my side.
The One who reigns forever,
he is a friend of mine."
As 2018 is now underway, we know that the Lord has gone before us and JM2Z in this year and He knows all that will take place. Zimbabwe has a new presldent, with an electlon coming up. Prices of all goods are soaring. This rainy season has provided far less rain so far than last year. The job market hasn't improved. Will things improve, get worse, or stay relatively the same?
Even though we don't know what all is in store for 2018, we know the Lord has gone before us. The neat thing is that these women we are working with have come to grasp that understanding and believe it for themselves. The amount of spiritual growth that has taken place in the last year has been phenomenal. No matter what their circumstances, they have learned to trust the Lord and take in His Word.
We are looking forward to the rest of this year and are excited to be a part of how God is working in the hearts and lives of these women and children.