People often ask me (Yolanda) what my day-to-day schedule looks like. So I’ve decided to give a brief outline of my general work week. Of course this schedule is not set in stone, a couple weeks before our Children’s Program, we generally focus entire days on prep work and the week of is obviously taken up serving the children. Other times we may have special events and that too will mean all our time is spent only on that event, such as missionary trip visits, etc. We also have our bi-annual trips to South Africa to stock up on supplies and an entire week to 10 days is taken up for that. In addition we break for special holidays like Christmas and Easter and other public holidays too. But for the most part, this schedule if basically what we attempt to follow week to week.
Monday - Holiday Bible Fun (Children’s program, hosted up to 3 times a year) prep day. This is a day to research themes, gather online resources, write curriculum, gather ideas for crafts and games and download material, such as coloring pages and worksheets. I can often spend weeks gathering ideas for multiple themes until after enough material starts to point in a certain direction. Then after prayer and confirmation, I pursue a particular theme and spend the remaining several weeks preparing specific material with lessons in mind. Until the final few weeks before the actual event, when it’s all hands on deck with writing, editing, downloading, translating, printing, sample creations, etc. for the actual week.
Two weeks before the event, the week of, and the week after, are very crazy. Very late nights, all nighters, and very early mornings are the norm. It’s not because of poor planning, but rather some things need to be done during those times (can’t be done before). The women we work with are a huge help, but there are certain things that we need to do, so it’s a hectic time (very little sleep) for a month, but we know it’s just for a period.