If you have been with JM2Z for any amount of time, you know that there are 3 branches within our ministry that deal with the whole person: physical, emotional, spiritual. We believe that it's essential to have an holistic philosophy of ministry in order to be effective in ministering to the whole person. This has always been our passion and our goal for JM2Z. The last 2 years have really seen these 3 branches come to fruition in a beautiful synergistic way. This Counseling Seminar was truly the missing piece in truly feeding the emotional branch in JM2Z.
Needless to say, the last 2 weeks were planned, prayed for and put into motion to best help heal and equip the women. The Healing Groups took place over a 2 week period - 3 days one week and 3 days the following week. This gave the women an opportunity to process all the information. We had full days with tea breaks and lunch included. Their younger children 5 and under also attended, so we had a couple babies, toddlers and little kids that were kept busy with the outside jungle-gym, coloring pages, toys, and treats.
It's impossible to share with you the many things that were discussed, addressed and all the results from the 2 weeks of training. At the end of each day the women would just say thank you over and over again. For most this information was brand new, the realization that they were allowed to feel pain, anger, grief AND still be a Christian. The fact that their culture did not support their grieving process and how we can start to change that within our realm of influence. It was obvious that women were leaving each day more empowered to help their own wounded hearts but also to assist in helping others heal as well.
The day before the last session we gave the women an opportunity to write down any questions they may have - each women came back the next day with pages and pages of questions. Their eagerness to learn and grow was evident. It was clear that time would not allow for ALL these issues to be addressed. Rumbi has already agreed to meet with the ladies possibly while we are gone to address these questions with them (this week we will meet - the 2 of us - to ensure I understand the many questions the women have raised and in order to be prepared to meet their needs as best I can when we arrive back next year).
We have many stories we would like to share, however we will do some of that in person and not share these ladies most intimate stories here. There is such a thin line between wanting to tell you EVERYTHING and needing to protect the women and their immense faith in us. Will you be patient with us as we pray and decide what is appropriate to share with you?