Country Update
What do we expect going forward? The short answer is that we aren't sure. Some improvements have already been made, so we are optimistic and hopeful for a better tomorrow, yet realistic and waiting to see what happens in the long term. We could end up with more of the same or worse, but we are choosing to rejoice with the rest of the country as it begins a new chapter. Rather than hoping in a new person or people, we hope in Him who is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine, regardless of a particular leader. But for now, there is a renewed sense of pride, positivity, and patriotism which had been snuffed out years ago and nearly forgotten, but has returned with a blaze of enthusiasm.
I'll repeat a quote from our last e-mail from a Zimbabwean newspaper editor, “Dear world, we are fully aware of the possible risks and pitfalls beyond this tipping point. ... After 37 years of repression, allow us to soak in this moment. Sincerely, #Zimbabwe.”
Wednesday Group
We have been holding off on purchasing a solar system, because if things stay the way they are, then a $10,000 system is not worth it. Zim regularly misses monthly payments to South Africa and they continually threaten to shut us off, but they continue to give a consistent supply of electricity. At the same time, there is a huge dam a couple hours from us that houses one of the main power plants in Zim. For the last 2 years, they have been adding to it so that it will provide more power (the same amount of electricity that is imported from SA). That is supposed to be completed this coming year. For those reasons, we decided against purchasing the solar system, but have rather chosen to go the route of an inverter.
When we were in SA in October, we bought an inverter and 2 car-sized batteries. They are now connected to our main breaker. When the electricity goes off, it turns on automatically. It powers all of our inside lights (which means no more candles!!!!!!!! we are excited about that :-) and half of our outside security lights. It also powers one set of centrally located outlets, where we have our phone and wifi plugged in, where we can charge our laptops and cell phones, and also plug in a fan. We have only had it set up for a couple weeks, but has already come in very helpful. In fact, the electricity is off now while I am writing this blog. Whereas before, my laptop would have already died by now and I wouldn't have been able to get online anyway. It has been a major improvement in not interrupting our work every time the electricity goes off. As an added bonus in keeping us sane, I also have a fan going. It's such a seamless transition to the inverter that after awhile, Yolanda forgot there was no electricity. However, our refrigerator and freezers are not powered by the inverter, but those are fine for 24 hours. If at some point, we go back to 20 hour days of no electricity, then we very well may need to buy a generator, which would take care of the fridge and freezers, but for now that is not an issue.
Vacation Bible School
Please pray for the hearts of the children who will attend, as well as their families. Pray also for Yolanda and me and our energy levels, since this is always an exhausting week. The kids look forward to this week each time we host it and we are excited for the ability to provide this time for them.
Christmas is just around the corner and we have several ear-warmers left from last year for purchase. Each one is hand crocheted by one of our ladies. All the information regarding colors, price, and ordering is on our page when you click the link -----> SHOP |
International Conference on Missions
The annual ICOM took place 2 weeks ago in central Illinois. Yolanda always attended while she was in school and we've gone together ever since we met. More than 10,000 people attended from more than 25 countries, missionaries, students, families of missionaries, and perspectives. It's a wonderful weekend to come together, hear great speakers, attend workshops, and focus on how the Lord is working around the world to spread His name. Once again, we were blessed to watch all the main sessions (worship times and speakers) through livestreaming. We so appreciate the technology to feel like we were there for the weekend. Shasta (our |
Janeece (from the US), who stays here each time we return to the US was there for the weekend. So it was a great opportunity for my parents and her to meet for the first time.
Lord willing, we will be attending next year in person while Janeece is serving here for us in Zim.